- family members
- close friends
- executor to the will
- employer or business associates
- the funeral home
- your clergy
Required Information
- Full name of deceased
- Health Card and Social Insurance numbers
- Date and place of death
- Name of family physician, attending physician or coroner
- Birth date & place of deceased
- Address & Mailing Address (land location if rural)
- Marital status
- Spouse’s name (maiden name in applicable)
- Father’s name & his birth place
- Mother’s name (maiden name) & her birth place
- Choice of traditional casket burial or cremation
- Memorial donation of choice
Gather obituary information including education, occupation, memberships, military service, outstanding work, hobbies, list of predeceased family, list of surviving family. The funeral home can assist in writing the notice and submitting it to the newspaper.
Roles for Family and Friends
Select pallbearers, honourary pallbearers, ushers or memorial guest book attendants.
Find a Florist
Consult with a florist for flower options. Plan for the disposition of flowers after the service possibly to a family residence, church, hospital or local seniors home. See our local options under Funeral Services-Arrangements listed in the above tabs.
Help Around the Home
Consider arranging for a family member or friend to answer the door or telephone and keep a record of calls.
Arrange for childcare as necessary.